Shape a New Era of Finance Be DeFiant

The only DeFi platform inspired by Donald J. Trump. Shape the future of decentralized finance by owning WLFI tokens.

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Buy $WLFI Token
1 $WLFI$0.015
980.47M tokens sold19.020B tokens remaining
Total sale volume: 20.00B
You deposit
Current balance:0ETH Ethereum
Ethereum $0
You will receive0$WLFI
Your $WLFI Balance0$WLFI

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Benefits of owning $WLFI

As a owner, you'll instantly gain a voice in shaping the future of DeFi.

World Liberty Financial Voting Power

Equal Voting Power

Gain equal voting power in governance decisions, ensuring fair platform changes.

World Liberty Financial Proposal Creation

Proposal Creation

WLFI token owners can propose changes, directly influencing platform development.

World Liberty Financial Steering Benefit

Steering DeFi's Future

Owning WLFI tokens lets you shape the future of decentralized finance.

Meet our Team *

Meet the passionate minds shaping the future of finance.

Donald J. Trump
Donald J. TrumpChief Crypto Advocate
Eric Trump
Eric TrumpWeb3 Ambassador
Donald Trump Jr.
Donald Trump Jr.Web3 Ambassador
Barron Trump
Barron TrumpWeb3 Ambassador
Chase Herro
Chase HerroCo-Founder
Zak Folkman
Zak FolkmanCo-Founder
Steven Witkoff
Steven WitkoffCo-Founder
Zach Witkoff
Zach WitkoffCo-Founder
Alex Witkoff
Alex WitkoffCo-Founder
Rich Teo
Rich TeoStablecoin & Payment Lead
Corey Caplan
Corey CaplanHead of Technical Strategy
Octavian Lojnita
Octavian LojnitaBlockchain Lead
Bogdan Purnavel
Bogdan PurnavelLead Developer
Alex Golubitsky
Alex GolubitskyLegal Counsel
World Liberty Advisors

Our seasoned professionals help provide us strategic insights and tailored solutions in blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Sandy PengSandy PengScroll
Ryan FangRyan FangTomo Wallet
Rafael YakobiRafael YakobiThe Crypto Lawyers
Matt MorganMatt MorganMixie Studios
Thomas DiFioreThomas DiFioreIonic Digital Inc.
Luke PearsonLuke PearsonPolychain
Alexei DulubAlexei DulubWeb3 Antivirus & PixelPlex
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Are you new to crypto?

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Security Contributors

Partnering with experts, we invest heavily in preventive measures to ensure maximum confidence.

Fuzzland PeckshieldBlocksec Zokyo